Are you feeling
stuck in your
love life?
Get the tools and resources to make the most of your sex and relationships - no matter where you're at.
Reach out, let's discuss the tools and approach to move you towards having the sex and relationships you want.
Do you wonder if your sexuality is wrong or if something about you is broken?
Are you frustrated having the same argument over and over with your partner without getting anywhere?
Are you stuck in old and unhelpful patterns and habits?
Do you struggle with self acceptance?
Does shame or embarrassment hold you back from expressing what you truly want?
Do you feel bad about what you want in your sex life or relationships?
Are you afraid that you won't be loved accepted for who you are?
Are you wanting to experience more meaningful connections?
Meet Sex and Relationship Coach,
Sam Charles
I'm Sam Charles and I'm so glad you're here. My journey through sexuality has been a guiding force in my life. It's been painful, at times telling myself that I was unworthy of love or would never be met in my desires. It has also led to peak experiences and some of the most pleasurable and affirming periods of my life. I'm so grateful for the opportunities I've had to explore and learn about myself. Now, my purpose is to provide the space, tools, and gentle guidance to support others in their own unique journeys through sexuality. I understand what it feels like to struggle with self acceptance - feeling unworthy of love, like I didn't belong, and that I was wrong for what I wanted or who I wanted to be with. I understand the feeling of being stuck in relationships with no forward momentum - grinding my gears trying to figure out what to do while staying stuck in the mud. I understand the pain of going along with the status quo - ignoring what I truly wanted because society told me I was wrong. I believe individuals of all genders, orientations, ages, and abilities deserve a meaningful and fulfilling sex life. I believe society shouldn't dictate what is right for us as individuals. As someone with a lifelong passion in sexuality, I know how transformative this work can be - both inside and outside the bedroom. Through this work, you can experience confidence in your body and agency in your decisions. You can experience meaningful sex and connections with others. I'm passionate about this work because I continue to experience the benefits of it every day.
Get personalized and practical coaching to start having the sex and relationships you deserve.

Focus Areas
I believe individuals of all genders, orientations, ages, and abilities deserve a meaningful and fulfilling sex life. Here are some particular areas I am really passionate about working with.
Relationship Styles
Whether you are monogamous, polyamorous, swinging, casually dating, or curious about exploring relationships in a new way, let's find ways for you to learn and flourish in the relationship style that is right for you.

Let's Get Started
Schedule a free Consultation Call with Sam Charles to start on your path to having the sex and relationships you deserve, or send a message to get in touch.

Book a free consultation below
Questions? Send a message to get in touch!

What is sex and relationship coaching?Sex and relationships are hard! Unfortunately in most of our society, we're not taught any skills or tools in relating. Sex and Relationship Coaching is a way to teach these extremely useful relationship tools and skills by practice. I use gentle guidance, thoughtful and empathetic listening, and my own vulnerability in order for us to grow together towards having the sex and relationships you deserve. We'll find your growing edges - leaning into a little discomfort in service of your growth and development. We'll maintain open communication and be mutually vulnerable - meaning I will share my own experiences and my own emotions in service of your growth. We'll do embodied exercises where you pay attention to your emotions, practice challenging situations in a non-judgemental environment, and aim to have a good time in the process!
I'm looking for guidance. Will you tell me what to do?I believe all individuals have the answers they need inside themselves. Instead of telling you what to do (a lot of us have a part of themselves that say, "don't tell me what to do!"), we'll create the space to feel safe and share what's going on, shining a light on the areas that might otherwise live in the darkness, unnoticed or potentially buried in shame. It's amazing to see how many people that start with asking "What should I do?" just need a little space and safety, and occasionally an extra tool, in order to figure out what's in alignment for them. Knowing this - I promise to not "tell you what to do". My commitment is to provide tools, options, space, and resources to help you find your inner voice.
Is sex and relationship coaching for me?As someone who has personally experienced the benefits of this type of coaching in my own life - I know how transformative this work can be. You are an ideal candidate if any of the following resonate with you: Sex feels hard to talk about. You're not having the sex you want to have. You're not satisfied in your relationship(s). You are curious about or want to explore your sexual identity and expression. You struggle to find arousal on your own or with a partner. You find it hard to stay in the moment during sex, getting lost in your head with to do lists, chores, or other thoughts. You find yourself getting stuck in painful or frustrating patterns. You have the same argument over and over and don't seem to get anywhere with your partner. You find setting boundaries in multiple aspects of your life (to include sex) challenging. You find yourself unable or afraid to share your desires with your partner. You feel like there is something missing or broken with your body or the way you experience sex. You have struggled with cheating or lying with partners. You’re interested in finding new tools to bring into your sexual exploration, both in and out of the bedroom.
Is our work confidential?Sexuality is an incredibly sensitive and impactful subject. Your privacy and safety depend on it. As a coach, I take confidentiality very seriously, and it is documented in the code of ethics as well as our client agreement which we both sign before working together.
What coaching method do you use?I am trained in the Somatica Method® and have found it to be incredibly powerful. It is a somatic, which means "of the body" and experiential meaning, "experience based" coaching method. In this method, we listen to our bodies and practice together rather than just talk about it. It can be fun, engaging, dynamic, and yield profound differences in how we navigate the world!
Where do we meet?I offer both in person and virtual sessions. The pricing is the same and it can be up to you where we meet. In person sessions are either in my home office or at my office in Boulder, Colorado. Virtual sessions allow me to work with individuals, couples or partnerships from a broad range of backgrounds and locations.
How do I get started?4 easy steps: 1. Fill out the quick form. 2. Consultation call. 3. Align on a plan - meeting cadence and what you want to work on. 4. We execute the plan together - starting our sessions and getting you to the sex and relationships you want to have.
What if I still have questions?Sex and relationship coaching can be a big decision and there's a lot to consider! If you have additional questions, feel free to send me an email at samcharlescoaching@gmail.com.